Saturday, November 7, 2009

Give Me What I Want!

Im feeling like being such a spoilt little drama queen daddys boy brat right now.

and you know what else, im thinking, why the hell not?!

if i wanna get what I want, when I want it, ill fuckin get what i want, when I want it. im not saying its always a good thing, but sometimes it can be, and sometimes you deserve it, and personaly, right now, i think i deserve it!

so, anyone who wants to tell me im a spoilt brat or selfish or whatever the kids are calling it these days, back off, its not like I dont already know it!

So, first on my list of things i want RIGHT NOW! a house… a flat would do, if it was a nice one, but a house. yeah, its big yeah, its expensive, but what the hell is the point of asking for stuff if I have nowhere to keep it? huh? HUH!?

and second, I want a car.

yeah, sure, its not like i can drive, but hey, does it matter. i could always sit on it and just pretent… any idiot can sit and make VOOM! VOOOOOOOOOM! sounds cant they?!

I sure know I can.

thats pretty much all that I got so far, and im pretty sure their the most expensive things that i want!

now to go ask dad…


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